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Course of study


Theoretical, practical, and hands-on training sessions of the educational process are conducted in classrooms, professional cabinets, laboratories, and departments corresponding to the content of the curriculum for the given specialty. These sessions are led by qualified lecturers with the appropriate educational, methodological, and informational materials.

The syllabi of subjects and modules taught at the college are discussed, developed, and approved by the college's departments of general education, general professional, and specialized subjects, in accordance with state standards.

The practical training sessions at the college, conducted in the departments of the "Saint Grigor Lusavorich" Medical Center by narrow specialists, contribute to improving the quality of the educational process, particularly the skills and abilities passed on to the students.

After the ongoing certification, positive results from the final practical training are followed by a state final certification in accordance with the procedure approved by the state authorized body in education, and the graduates are awarded the corresponding qualification.

To ensure the proper level of student progress, assessment, certification, as well as general development and education, there are internal rules and regulations that are regularly discussed and modified in cooperation with the student council and teaching staff, in line with the demands of time.

The education in the college is conducted both on a free and paid basis, and the principles are regulated according to the procedures established by the decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia.

The amount of tuition fees for different specialties is determined by the Board of Directors of the "Saint Grigor Lusavorich" State Medical College, which is approved by the management of the "Saint Grigor Lusavorich" Medical Center.


This regulation establishes the procedures for granting student benefits, compensating tuition fees (fully or partially) and providing scholarships in public educational institutions implementing initial vocational (artisanal) and (or) secondary vocational educational programs (hereinafter referred to as the educational institution).

Student benefits are allocated, tuition fees are compensated (fully or partially), and scholarships are established for students of educational institutions financed from the state budget of the Republic of Armenia.

In non-state-funded educational institutions, the decision on granting student benefits, compensating tuition fees (fully or partially), and providing scholarships is made by the founder of the institution.

The allocation of student benefits, compensation of tuition fees (fully or partially), and provision of scholarships are carried out from the financial resources foreseen in the expenditures part of the state budget of the Republic of Armenia, the resources of educational institutions, and other sources not prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.


The Government of the Republic of Armenia annually sets the number of students to receive state benefits within the limits of the funds planned in the state budget for the relevant year, based on the specialties of the initial vocational (artisanal) and secondary vocational education programs.

The procedure for the allocation of student benefits and tuition fee compensation is reviewed annually and adjusted as needed, based on the students' academic performance and other criteria.

Students receiving student benefits are generally chosen through competitive results and institutional procedures. The state may grant benefits to certain categories of students, such as those from socially vulnerable families, children without parental care, people with disabilities, and military service personnel or their families.


Tuition fee compensation is provided based on the student’s academic performance, financial need, and social status. Students may receive full or partial compensation based on factors such as:

  1. Students from low-income families.
  2. Students from border or mountainous areas receiving social assistance.
  3. Students who have participated in military operations or have been injured during military service.
  4. Students from families with multiple children or with one disabled parent.

Students with exceptional academic achievements or from disadvantaged backgrounds may be eligible for full or partial tuition fee compensation based on institutional assessments.


State scholarships are a form of financial support given to students with excellent academic performance, as well as those engaged in public activities, such as winning prizes in national or international competitions.

State scholarships can also be awarded to students from border or high-altitude areas, children without parental care, and those with severe disabilities, among other categories.

The number of students eligible for state scholarships is reviewed annually, and changes are made based on the results of student admissions and academic performance.

If a student is granted a state scholarship, they are expected to maintain good academic standing and behavior. Students who violate conduct rules may lose their scholarship for the remainder of the academic term.

This regulation also allows educational institutions to set up their own internal scholarships for students based on their financial situation, academic performance, or other criteria.

This covers the main principles and practices regarding student benefits, tuition fee compensation, and scholarships as set by Armenian educational regulations.

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