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More than one secondary vocational education




This regulation defines the general conditions for obtaining more than one initial vocational (craft) or secondary vocational education (hereinafter referred to as vocational education).
More than one vocational education can be obtained either in parallel with the main educational program (hereinafter referred to as parallel education) or based on the principle of succession (hereinafter referred to as sequential education), which ends with a state final certification and grants the relevant qualification.
The student has the right to choose mandatory (elective) and non-mandatory (optional) courses for studying the chosen profession or specialization, provided by the institution.
Studying educational programs at different levels of the same profession is not considered the receipt of more than one vocational education.

A candidate may receive more than one vocational education either at the institution they are currently studying or have studied at, or at other institutions or organizations that implement professional educational programs (hereinafter referred to as institutions), provided that:

  1. the number of places allocated to the relevant profession under the license (activity permit) remains the same;

  2. the forms of education are different (combination of in-person and other forms of education is not prohibited);

  3. the entry requirements or participation in the educational program are met by the candidate.

This regulation applies to state and accredited private institutions that implement initial vocational (craft) or secondary vocational educational programs, regardless of the form of study.


A student may receive parallel education:

  1. on general grounds, without repeating the subjects (modules) provided by the curriculum of the studied profession if they coincide with the curriculum of the chosen profession;

  2. based on the studied educational program, starting from the corresponding semester of the chosen profession, if the academic differences between the curricula do not exceed 8 subjects (modules).

If the subjects of the curriculum of the chosen profession, which the student has not studied, account for more than 30% of the total hours of difference, such differences are considered academic differences.
For receiving parallel education, the documents defined by paragraph 17, part 1 of this regulation are required.
A student admitted to the full-time department on the basis of primary education in a secondary vocational educational institution can begin parallel education in the distance learning department after completing the fourth semester.
In the case of parallel education, the student is placed in the paid educational system, except for those students who are entitled to benefits according to the legislation of the Republic of Armenia. During the studies, the student may benefit from compensation for the cost of education in the form of aid.


A candidate may receive sequential education:

  1. on general grounds, without repeating the subjects (modules) provided by the curriculum of the studied profession if they coincide with the curriculum of the chosen profession;

  2. based on the completed educational program, starting from the corresponding semester of the chosen profession, if the academic differences between the curricula do not exceed 8 subjects (modules).

If the subjects of the curriculum of the chosen profession, which the student has not studied, account for more than 30% of the total hours of difference, such differences are considered academic differences.
For receiving sequential education, the basis is the diploma of professional (including higher) education.
In the case of sequential education, the student is placed in the paid educational system, except for those students who are entitled to benefits according to the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.


To receive more than one vocational education, the candidate must submit an application to the director (rector) of the institution no later than two weeks before the start of the academic semester.
The following documents must be submitted along with the application:

  1. a certified copy of the education document:

a) a copy of the main education certificate or secondary education diploma, or a professional (including higher) education diploma and its supplement,

b) an academic transcript approved by the director (rector) of the institution (for parallel education);

  1. four photos (3x4 cm);

  2. identity document (passport or birth certificate for candidates under 16 years old, military ID, temporary identity document issued by the police or other government authorities of the Republic of Armenia, refugee certificate);

  3. military ID or deferral certificate (for candidates of draft age, with the corresponding annotation regarding exemption from military service or other relevant notes, including for those who have received deferral due to health reasons);

  4. a reference about the employment or professional experience (if available);

  5. documents confirming the right to benefits according to the legislation of the Republic of Armenia (if available).

Applications are reviewed by a commission established by the director's order to discuss the candidates' applications. The commission consists of the deputy director for educational work, who is the chair, and representatives from the faculty of the relevant specialty.
Applications are reviewed within two weeks after the start of academic classes.

If the total number of applicants exceeds the number of available places for the specialty according to the license (permit), the commission conducts a competition, giving priority to:

  1. those who have returned from academic leave, long-term targeted leave, or mandatory military service;

  2. candidates applying in accordance with the Ministry of Education and Science's decree N 1278-N dated December 5, 2011;

  3. candidates applying according to the Ministry of Education and Science's decree N 1455-N dated October 1, 2010;

  4. candidates applying under this regulation;

  5. candidates with fewer academic differences;

  6. candidates with the most professional experience.

Based on the written conclusion of the commission, the director of the institution issues a temporary order for the admission of the student, attaching a list of academic differences and an individual schedule for their completion. The maximum period for completing academic differences is one month.

If there are no academic differences or they are completed positively, the director of the institution issues a final order within three working days.
After the issuance of the order, the director of the institution enters the information into the educational information system within three working days and submits a report on the enrolled student to the authorized body within 10 working days after each academic semester, indicating the form of education, educational program, specialty, etc.

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