Nune Sukiasyan
Pediatric Neurologist

1981-1987 Doctor's qualification in "Pediatrics", Yerevan State Medical University named after Mkhitar Heratsi, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia,
1990-1991 Doctor-specialist qualification in "Neurology", Yerevan State Medical University named after Mkhitar Heratsi, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia,
2005 Certificate of participation in the "English for Medical Purposes" course,
2006 Qualification in "Neurophysiologist" specialty, National Institute of Health after S.Kh. Avdalbekyan, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia.
2010 Certificate of participation in the "electrophysiology (electroencephalography, electromyography, echoencephalography)" course, S.Kh. National Institute of Health after Avdalbekyan, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia,
2010-2011 Doctor-specialist qualification, "Child Psychiatry" specialty, Yerevan State Medical University named after Mkhitar Heratsi, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia.
1990-1991 Doctor-specialist qualification in "Neurology", Yerevan State Medical University named after Mkhitar Heratsi, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia,
2005 Certificate of participation in the "English for Medical Purposes" course,
2006 Qualification in "Neurophysiologist" specialty, National Institute of Health after S.Kh. Avdalbekyan, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia.
2010 Certificate of participation in the "electrophysiology (electroencephalography, electromyography, echoencephalography)" course, S.Kh. National Institute of Health after Avdalbekyan, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia,
2010-2011 Doctor-specialist qualification, "Child Psychiatry" specialty, Yerevan State Medical University named after Mkhitar Heratsi, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia.
Work experience
1988-1989 Pediatrician, Sisian Medical Center, Sisian, Republic of Armenia,
1989-2004 Neurologist, Neurological Center No. 6, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia,
2004-2009 Neurologist, "St. Gregory the Illuminator" Medical Center, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia,
2009-2011 Neurologist, psychiatrist, "St. Gregory the Illuminator" Medical Center, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia,
From 2011 to present: Neurologist, neurophysiologist, "St. Gregory the Illuminator" Medical Center, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia.
1989-2004 Neurologist, Neurological Center No. 6, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia,
2004-2009 Neurologist, "St. Gregory the Illuminator" Medical Center, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia,
2009-2011 Neurologist, psychiatrist, "St. Gregory the Illuminator" Medical Center, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia,
From 2011 to present: Neurologist, neurophysiologist, "St. Gregory the Illuminator" Medical Center, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia.
Academic activity
From 2005 till today: Member of the "Armenian Association of Neurologists".
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